Milton, ON
ZAS provided concept design/bridging services leading towards the design-build development of a new performing arts/visual arts centre and central library in this high-growth suburban community. Located at a prominent intersection, our concept design capitalizes on its’ gateway location to create a substantial and powerful Civic Campus for its citizens.
To realize the potential of the site, our building design is conceived as a series of public rooms linked by an open and transparent Civic Lobby that engages this corner site. The openness of this lobby is symbolic and highly functional, providing a major assembly space that all building entrances converge upon. Tcentrepieceece is a 500-seat theatre designed in the classical “shoebox” proportion, and supported by outstanding acoustics within the chamber.
Visual arts programming straddles both levels of the complex, including a large multi-purpose room prominently located at one corner of the Lobby to create a direct and convenient link to other cultural programming offerings. The Central Library exerts a powerful architectural presence along the street frontage, and can easily be identified as a distinct element within the overall complex.
Town of Milton
82,000 s.f./ 7,618 sm
500-seat Theatre
Visual Arts Centre
Central Library
Art Gallery
Multi-Purpose Rooms
Art Studios
Civic Square